Donate to Healing Hearts Rescue
Healing Hearts Rescue a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, foster-based rescue located in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota that is 100% funded through adoption fees and donations.
Your financial donation goes to helping our animals with vet care, healthy food, grooming needs, dog supplies. Every dollar counts in our mission to heal hearts and save lives.
You may also mail a check or money order to:
2515 White Bear Ave #A8-439
Maplewood, MN 55109
EIN#: 83-4485315
Ways that you can help
Heal A Heart Membership
Support saving lives all year round by becoming a monthly donor. You choose an amount you would like to contribute to Healing Hearts Rescue and your monthly contribution will be automatically debited from a credit card. It is a convenient and simple way to give that allows you to maximize your support with manageable donations each month.

Visit our Amazon Wish List
An easy but concrete and helpful way to contribute!
In Loving Memory
Dogs are members of the family in every way that matters, which makes losing them all the more devastating. The fact that we’re not supposed to value animals as much as humans doesn’t make the grief any less real. If you’ve ever lost a beloved pet, you get it.
Words can’t make the heartbreak go away, but it can be comforting to know that you’re not alone in your feelings about dogs. We'd like to honor our dogs who've passed over the rainbow bridge. May we meet again someday soon.
If you'd like to make a donation in memory of a pet, we will dedicate those dollars to our senior dogs in need of extra care. Thank you in advance!