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Sweet Beezus who didn’t give up.

February 11, 2022

Beezus came into rescue with her siblings. Tiny little thing, she was half the size of her brother, at 2.8 pounds. When she wouldn’t eat, supportive care was immediately started. But Beezus didn’t bounce back. There’s no wiggle room for error with pups this small, so into the hospital she went. Within 12 hours, she…

Ernie the pudgy puggle

February 11, 2022

Ernie is an 11 year-old senior puggle who came to us from Missouri. He had a mom who adored him, but unfortunately she passed away and her family couldn’t keep him. After spending some time with his moms’ neighbors in Missouri, Ernie took the long trip up to Minnesota.  When Ernie arrived in Minnesota, he…

In Memory of Trinity

September 24, 2020

In loving memory of Trinity.

In Memory of In loving memory of our sweeheart beagle, Misha

September 24, 2020

9 years was too little time with our rescue beagle Misha. Best years of our lives was spending it with you my dear. Thank you for all the giggles, cuddles and unconditional love. You were truly special and so many quirks which made living with you a surprise everyday. Andrej and I will never forget…

In Memory of HUDSON

September 24, 2020

On behalf of our sweet old man we lost in July.


February 24, 2020

Orville came into rescue from a local impound facility. He was an older guy, but stole our hearts like a champ. Orville had a lot of hurdles to overcome from his life before rescue, but his foster family was there to support him through thick and thin. Orville’s favorite thing to do was to chill out…


February 24, 2020

Gilbert was a shy pup when he came into rescue from the Reservation. He wasn’t sure how to be a house dog, or a family dog. But with the love of his amazing foster family, he learned. He loved to play and snuggle, especially with his human foster sister. Gilbert grew happy and confident in his…


February 24, 2020

Pinto came to us from a hard life on the Reservation. He was an older boy when we got him. It was as though he’d spent his life saving up love for others. Then, when he finally found a foster family, he spent all his time showering them with it all. Pinto was kind and…


August 7, 2019

Leesha’s story is a hard one, not for the faint of heart. But sometimes that’s what rescue is. Sometimes it’s hard to love people, but then you remember those that save, and your heart fills again. If you think you’re up for it. Read on. A pastor heard his dog barking and thought there may…

This is Star!

August 7, 2019

Star arrive at our partner rescue pregnant. She had been homeless, but was being cared for by some loving nuns. They reached out to rescue to get her the help they knew she needed and couldn’t provide. The search for a foster-based rescue began. Boarding at the vet clinic was safe, but loud and a…